I teach a large variety of classes, some of them are:
v Travel Writing
v Inspirational Writing
v Writing for Children
v Humor Writing
v Creating a Selling Novel
v Selling a Nonfiction Book
v Writing with Style
v Build a Book
v Portrait Books
v Exploring Poetry
v Short Story Writing
v Character Development
v The Plot Thickens
v The Joy Diet
v Joyous Ruminations
v Writing Winning Letters & E-mails
v Becoming an Editor
v Technical Writing & Editing
v The Writers Journey (story parts and form)
v And the three most popular:
Commas to Comments
Learn the basic skills for a foundation
in successful writing whether academic, creative, business, or marketing.
Students will do brief writings in each style of rhetoric, progressing
through the writing stages from brainstorming to proofreading. Research
methods, documentation styles, & rules of grammar will be covered in
this nonjudgmental workshop.